Case Management
As the state designated Case Management Agency (CMA) in Southwest Colorado, Community Connections, Inc. provides case management services to children and adults with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities in Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, and San Juan Counties.
What is Case Management?
Case Management is the gateway to services. Every client is assigned a Case Manager who is responsible for providing individualized care coordination. Your Case Manager will also determine your eligibility for waiver or state general fund programs. Case Managers help you identify your strengths and needs and set your own personal goals. For each need you identify, Case Management will work with you to choose services and supports appropriate to meet those needs. Once you’ve selected your services, Case Managers can connect you to qualified service providers in your area. As you get settled into a program, your Case Manager will also stay in touch with you to ensure your needs continue to be met.
Your Case Manager is your advocate and can help you with:
Navigating long term care Medicaid benefits.
Connecting with community resources.
Locating and choosing service providers.
Completing all the necessary paperwork and processes to maintain your eligibility for your program.
Transferring to a different program should your needs or preferences change.
Overseeing your person-centered care plan to ensure you have the support you need to reach your goals.
Responding to any crises that might occur in your life.
Mediating communication with providers as needed.