System Redesign
Redesign: to do or plan something again or in a different way with a specific purpose or intention in mind.
About The Case Management System Redesign
Since its inception in 1985, Community Connections has served people with disabilities in Southwest Colorado with case management, family support, early intervention and a variety of direct services. Due to regulatory shifts, as of July 1, 2024 all direct services have moved to a new organization that we helped start called Our Own Lives.
Below you will find more information about this transition.
Videos About The Redesign
Case Management Agency Transition Q&A - 5.13.23
Community Connections President/CEO Tara Kiene shares background information and the latest updates about the Case Management Agency transition that is currently underway.
System Redesign Session - 5.25.22
Community Connections President/CEO Tara Kiene presents a stakeholder session to discuss upcoming changes to the Long Term Care system for people with disabilities in Colorado and how it impacts our local communities.
Case Management Agency Transition Explained - 10.25.23
Single Entry Point programs managed by Montezuma County Public Health will transition to Community Connections on November 1, 2023. Watch the video from our October 2023 Case Management Agency Transition town hall meetings about the upcoming changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Community Connections is undergoing a significant structural change, dividing into two distinct non-profit organizations: Community Connections (legacy organization) and Our Own Lives (new organization).
New state regulations stipulate that Case Management Agencies cannot provide both case management and direct services to an individual because it creates a potential conflict of interest. In response to these regulatory shifts, the Community Connections Board of Directors made the decision to create a new organization that will continue our important direct services work in the region. This decision was made with input from people receiving services and other stakeholders as well as Community Connections staff.
Formerly the direct services branch of Community Connections, Our Own Lives is a newly established nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing quality of life and fostering independence among individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Southwest Colorado. Starting July 1, 2024, Our Own Lives will provide direct support services. including employment support, activities of daily living, community access, host homes, day programs, and respite care, emphasizing individual choice and community inclusion.
Community Connections will continue to serve as the designated Case Management Agency (CMA) for all children’s and adult Medicaid Waivers (formerly CCB and SEP) for the five counties of Southwest Colorado (Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, and San Juan), as well as Family Support Services and Early Intervention for the region.
No, other than the impacts of typical turnover. Community Connections chose this option in part because it is the only option that provides continuity for people in services and allows retention of current staff by transferring employment to Our Own Lives.
Yes, existing clients can choose to transition to Our Own Lives or opt to use another provider while maintaining support from their current Community Connections case manager.
On November 1, 2023, the Single Entry Point programs from Montezuma and Dolores counties became part of Community Connections, making us the single Case Management Agency for the entire five-county region. Our Own Lives will begin providing direct services for the Children’s Extensive Support (CES), Supported Living Services (SLS), and Residential (HCB-DD) programs starting on July 1, 2024.
It is possible that not everything will be in place for Our Own Lives to be 100% separate by July 1, 2024. Some things, such as licenses and provider approval, may take longer than anticipated to complete. We have a waiver from the state of Colorado that allows us to continue to have a relationship between the organizations until everything is complete, but we will still operate as separate organizations starting July 1, 2024.
Each organization will have separate boards of directors, separate leadership, and separate finances. Buildings and other assets will likely be split up between the two organizations as well. Having this separation will allow people with disabilities to receive case management and direct services in our region, but without any conflict of interest.
People will still be eligible for the same services. People will still receive case management and program services, only from two different organizations. We are excited about the opportunities this change gives us to make all of our services better.
Tara Kiene will remain at the helm of Community Connections as the organization’s President and CEO.
On March 18, 2024, the Our Own Lives Board of Directors appointed Scott Smith as President and CEO of the new nonprofit. Other management staff from Community Connections’ direct services department will likely transfer to the new organization. Several current board members from Community Connections are also transitioning to roles within Our Own Lives.
To ensure diversity and efficacy in fulfilling their nonprofit board responsibilities, both entities are seeking new board members.
Early Intervention is not impacted by the current redesign and will stay with Community Connections.
This change will take a lot of work! You can help by:
Help inform others. Many people will have these same questions.
Give guidance and ideas!
Consider joining a board of directors. We need to create two separate boards of directors to provide a wide range of perspectives and skills.
Visit this page of the website for up to date information. We will also keep stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the transition process through social media updates, e-newsletters and other communications channels.