Getting Started With Services
We understand that navigating the system of supports can be confusing and overwhelming. Our Case Management team is here to assist you every step of the way. From infant to elder, we’ll help you through the process and connect you with the services and supports that you need.
What Services Are Available?
Below are brief descriptions of the various services and supports available to qualifying children and adults who have disabilities, delays, mental health, or long-term care needs. A Community Connections Case Manager can help determine if you or your family member meet program eligibility requirements, connect you with service providers, and answer any questions you may have. Given the rural nature of our Southwest Colorado communities, not all services may be available in your area.
Early Intervention (EI)
Helping families support and promote a child’s development within family activities and community life, Early Intervention connects families with services, such as occupational, speech or physical therapy, helping infants and toddlers grow and develop, and helping their families care for them. This is a voluntary program, and does not discriminate based on race, culture, religion, income level, or disability. It is for parents and babies (birth to 3) experiencing a developmental delay, and is provided at no cost to families.
Family Support Services Program (FSSP)
For families living with a child (any age) with a developmental disability. Providing funding for families to support the extra expenses experienced when caring for individuals with developmental disabilities, Family Services monies can be applied for: respite care for the family member with a disability, professional services for an individual with a disability, medical services not covered by public or private insurance, transportation and other costs associated with accessing medical or professional services, assistive technology, home modification, and parent and sibling support.
Children’s Extensive Support Waiver (CES)
Support for children (birth - 18) living at home that have significant needs related to their developmental disability. Access to Medicaid services for those who may not otherwise qualify for Medicaid State Plan Benefits as well as funding to purchase specific services which are not covered under the Medicaid State Plan.
Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP)
Supportive services for children and youth (birth - 20) in foster care who have a developmental disability and extraordinary needs (must be at risk of institutionalization).
Children’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver (CHCBS)
Providing access to Medicaid coverage for families who do not otherwise qualify financially. Available for children (birth - 18) with significant medical needs and who are at risk for institutional care in an acute hospital or skilled nursing facility.
CHCBS Program Information Page
Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver (CLLI)
Provides Medicaid benefits in the home for children (birth - 18) with a life-limiting illness and allows the family to seek curative treatment while the child is receiving palliative or hospice care.
Brain Injury Waiver (BI)
Provides a home or community-based alternative to hospital or specialized nursing facility care for persons with a brain injury (ages 16+).
Community Mental Health Supports Waiver (CMHS)
Provides a home or community-based alternative to nursing facility care for adults who have severe and persistent mental health needs (ages 18+).
Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver (CIH)
Provides a home or community-based alternative to nursing facility care for persons with a spinal cord injury (traumatic or nontraumatic), multiple sclerosis, brain injury, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, or cerebral palsy who can't walk independently (ages 18+). Formerly called the Spinal Cord Injury Waiver or SCI.
Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD)
Qualifying individuals need extensive supports to live safely, including access to 24-hour supervision. Living arrangements can range from host homes settings with 1-2 persons, individualized settings of 1-3 persons, and group settings of 4-8 persons, as well as residential supports for participants who live in their own home or who live with and/or are provided services by members of their family. Also known as Residential Services.
Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver (EBD)
Provides an alternative to nursing facility care for older adults with a functional impairment (ages 65+), those who are blind, or those who are physically disabled or have a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS (ages 18-64) .
Supported Living Services (SLS)
The Supported Living Services (SLS) program provides a variety of services and supports for adults (ages 18+) living in their own homes or with family in the community. Promotes individual choice and decision-making through the individualized planning process and the tailoring of services and supports to address prioritized, unmet needs. In addition, this waiver is designed to supplement existing natural supports and traditional community resources with targeted and cost-effective services and supports. Participants do not require 24-hour supports or services.
Support Living Services are offered through the Medicaid Waiver, as state general fund services for people who are not eligible for the Waiver (State SLS), or as additional supportive services for people with developmental disabilities who are living in a skilled nursing facility (OBRA SS).
Services & Supports
How The Process Works
The intake process is based upon your individual circumstances. Since everyone’s situation is unique, it can look different from person to person.
Community Connections Children’s & Family Programs
Visit the Early Intervention (EI) or Family Support Services Program (FSSP) pages on this website for information about how to begin.
Children’s Waivers
Children’s Waivers include:
Children’s Extensive Support Waiver (CES)
Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP)
Children’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver (CHCBS)
Children with Life Limiting Illness Waiver (CLLI)
Start by contacting our Intake Case Manager or filling out this form.
Adult Intellectual & Developmental Disability (IDD) Waivers
IDD Waiver programs require that you have an intellectual or developmental disability (or developmental delay for children five and under, see above for the CES Waiver). The definition of an IDD is set by the state of Colorado. Our Intake Case Manager will work with you to determine whether you meet the definition of having an IDD.
Adult IDD Waivers include:
Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD)
Supported Living Services (SLS)
Start by contacting our Intake Case Manager or filling out this form.
Other Adult Waivers
Brain Injury Waiver (BI)
Community Mental Health Supports Waiver (CMHS)
Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver (CIH)
Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver (EBD)
For other Adult Waivers & Programs, the first step is to apply for long term care through your county Department of Human Services.
You must meet financial and program requirements in order to qualify for waiver services. You must also be willing to receive services in your home or community. Two types of eligibility criteria must be met in order to become enrolled in services: financial eligibility and functional eligibility.
“Financial eligibility” considers your income and resources (such as savings and things of value that you own), which must be under a certain amount. Financial eligibility is determined by your county’s Department of Human Services. To see if you meet financial eligibility requirements, please contact your county’s Human Services Department.
“Functional eligibility” means the amount of support you need to do your daily routines. Your disability diagnosis is also considered in your functional eligibility and will be different depending on the waiver. Your Community Connections Case Manager will work with you to determine functional eligibility for services.
Family Support Services Program and Early Intervention services are not subject to financial eligibility with the Department of Human Services. Please contact our Intake Case Manager for further information.
Most Waivers also require that you meet requirements for that particular program, such as having a diagnosed brain injury or physical disability.
Once financial and functional eligibility criteria are met, your Case Manager will guide you through the enrollment process for your specific waivers and services.
You will work together with your Case Manager to develop a Service Plan that best fits your unique needs. This Service Plan will list the services that you have selected and are approved to receive.
Your Case Manager will assist you in locating a provider agency that will provide those services. For all services, you can choose who provides your services. Community Connections staff cannot tell you which providers to use, only make referrals. There are a limited number of providers for many of the services. Provider availability may impact the services you are able to receive.
Once you are receiving services, your Case Manager will continue to have contact with you to ensure that you are receiving the services in your Service Plan and your needs are being met. Your Case Manager will go over the monitoring and review requirements with you during your enrollment.
You and your Case Manager will update your Service Plan at least annually. However, your Service Plan can be adjusted at any time to accommodate your needs to the best of our ability.
What is a Medicaid Waiver?
Medicaid, in the form of a Medicaid “waiver,” is available for eligible, enrolled adults and children in Colorado. Referrals come from schools, doctors, agencies, friends, neighbors, family, walk-ins, or self-referral. A Long-Term Care Medicaid waiver helps people gain access to additional benefits. Qualified recipients would otherwise be in a nursing facility, hospital, or receiving long-term care in the community. For more information visit the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing’s website.
Just Needing Medicaid?
Apply for Medicaid/Long-Term Care Medicaid on the Colorado PEAK website, or contact your local Department of Human Services.
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