Family Support Services
For children or adults with an intellectual or developmental disability or delay living in the family home.
What is Family Support Services?
The Family Support Services Program (FSSP) provides funding to families to support the extra expenses experienced when caring for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities or delays in the family home.
Services may be provided on an ongoing or emergency basis. Children under 5 may be eligible if they have a documented developmental delay as evidenced by having an Individualized Family Support Plan (ages 0-3) or Individualized Education Plan (ages 3-4). Individuals aged 5 and above must meet the eligibility criteria for developmental disabilities.
Our Goals with FSSP
Supporting families as the primary caregivers of individuals with disabilities, our goals with FSSP are to:
Reduce, delay or prevent out-of-home placements which are unwanted by the person or family, and support, as appropriate, returning the person to the home and support.
Reduce the added stress on families as a result of supporting a family member with a developmental disability in the home.
Provide flexible and responsive services and supports which are easily accessible and chosen by families who provide care.
Promote family choice and local decision-making.
Encourage and support community participation for persons with developmental disabilities.
How FSSP Funds Can Be Used
FSSP monies can be used for:
Respite care for the family member with a disability
Professional services for an individual with a disability
Medical services not covered by public or private insurance
Transportation and other costs associated with accessing medical or professional services
Assistive technology
Home modification
Parent and sibling support
Apply for Family Support Services
To apply for the Family Support Services Program, complete the FSSP application below.
Forms for Families Currently Enrolled in FSSP