Early Intervention Glossary
A Glossary of EI Terms and Commonly Used Acronyms
CCI - Community Connections, Incorporated: The local community centered board that provides financial support and home-based therapeutic intervention for all families, no matter the age.
Child Find - a multi-disciplinary team of providers with the responsibility of screening and evaluating all children with suspected delays, ages birth through 21 years of age.
DDD - Division for Developmental Disabilities
DHS - Department of Human services
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: The federal legislation that mandates services for children with special needs.
IEP - Individualized Education Program; plan developed for children receiving supports & services in the public schools (Part B of IDEA)
IFSP - Individualized Family Service Plan; the plan outlining supports & services for a child in Early Intervention services (Part C of IDEA)
Part C - the section of IDEA that covers supports and services for children birth through 3 years of age (infants and toddlers),
Part B - the section of IDEA that covers supports and services for school-age children 3-21 years of age.
Service Coordinator - the person who initially contacts the family, and assists with developing a plan for their child and accessing available community resources; this is the person to call with any questions or concerns.
SJBOCES - San Juan Board of Cooperative Education Services: The organization that houses Child Find (see below), and provides supports and services for children with special needs ages 3-21 within an educational setting in La Plata, San Juan and Archuleta counties.
SJK - San Juan Kids: This is a program of Community Connections, Inc. that provides access to community supports and services for families who have children with special needs birth to three years of age in La Plata, San Juan and Archuleta counties.
SWBOCS - Southwest Board of Cooperative Services: The organization that houses Child Find (see below), and provides supports and services for children with special needs ages 3-21 within an educational setting in Montezuma and Dolores counties.
SWK - Southwest Kids: This is a program of Community Connections, Inc. that provides access to community supports and services for families who have children with special needs birth to three years of age in Montezuma and Dolores counties.