Early Intervention Resources

Colorado's Early Intervention Program

The goal of Colorado's Early Intervention system is to “open a window of opportunity” for families to help their children with special needs develop to their full potential.

Program Colorado Interagency Coordination Council

This council is mandated by federal law and is appointed by the governor to advise and assist the lead agency to implement the requirements of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).

Parent to Parent of Colorado

One to one parent matching, up-to-date information and referral, listserv linking parents throughout the state, quarterly newsletter, resource packed website including support groups throughout the state and parent wisdom files.

National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center

The National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC) is the national early childhood technical assistance center supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) under the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). NECTAC serves Part C-Infant and Toddlers with Disabilities Programs and Part B-Section 619 Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities in all 50 states and 10 jurisdictions to improve service systems and outcomes for children and families.

Center for Parent Information and Resources

A central “Hub” of information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities.

Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program)

State health insurance for children and adults. Eligibility is based on family income and medical diagnosis.

CHP+ (Children's Health Plan+)

Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) is public low-cost health insurance for certain children and pregnant women. It is for people who earn too much to qualify for Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program), but not enough to pay for private health insurance.

SSI (Supplemental Security Income)

SSI provides monthly payments to people with disabilities and older adults who have little or no income or resources.

HCP (Health Care Program for Children with Special Needs)

HCP programs are located within local public health agencies throughout Colorado. Our nurse-led teams provide care coordination for children and youth with special health care needs from birth to 21 years. Children can benefit from this program whether their needs are visible, such as a physical need, or invisible, such as a developmental, emotional, or behavioral need.