Rights of Persons Receiving Services
You have the following rights, formally described in Colorado Revised Statutes 25.5-10-218 to 25.5-10-235:
The right to an Individualized Service Plan (SP):
Developed by a professional person, myself, and my parents and/or guardian.
To be reviewed at least annually and modified as necessary or appropriate.
You will receive adequate notice of plan meetings.
The right to medical care and treatment:
For treatment of ailments and for prevention of illness.
To be free from unnecessary or excessive medication and to have no prescription medication administered without a physician’s written order.
Medication shall not be used for the convenience of the staff, as punishment, as a substitute for a treatment program, or in quantities that interfere with the treatment program.
The right to humane care and treatment:
Service agencies shall provide every person receiving services with a humane physical environment.
Mistreatment, neglect, or abuse in any form shall be prohibited.
Qualified staff shall attend to persons receiving services.
Corporal punishment of persons with an intellectual or developmental disability is not permitted.
Seclusion, defined as the placement of a person receiving services alone in a closed room for the purpose of punishment, is prohibited.
"Time out" procedures may only be employed under close and direct professional supervision.
Behavior development programs involving the use of aversive or noxious stimuli are prohibited.
Physical restraint shall be employed only when necessary to protect the person receiving services from injury to self or others.
The use of a mechanical restraint must be subject to special review and oversight, and use of mechanical restraints shall be applied only in an emergency.
The right to religious beliefs, practice, and worship.
The right to communications and visits:
With persons of your own choosing.
To send and receive unopened mail.
To have reasonable access to telephones.
To have the opportunity to meet with visitors and interact with people in the community.
Policies and procedures may not prohibit the right to sexual interactions based on my choice. Training in human sexuality, growth and development must be available.
The right to fair employment practices.
You shall not be required to perform labor.
You may work if you choose, and employment must be compensated in accordance with applicable minimum wage laws.
The right to vote.
The rights to records and confidentiality of records.
The right to personal property:
You have the right to the possession and use of your own clothing and personal effects.
You are presumed to be able to manage your own money. Upon request, a service agency may hold money or funds belonging to the person receiving services. These funds must be accounted for on request.
The right to influence policy.
You have the right to request/establish a committee/advocate to represent my interests and influence the agency.
The right to notification:
The right to read or have explained, in each person's or families native language, any rules or regulations adopted by the service agency and pertaining to such person's activities.
The right to be free from discrimination.
Sterilization rights: including giving informed consent and assurance that consent is voluntary.
Freedom from retaliation:
No person shall be discriminated against because he or she has made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing pursuant to this article.
You have additional rights not specifically described in this document.